
Summer 2023 Camping Opportunities NOW UPDATED!!!

Please find the link below to join in on all of the exciting opportunities that are available with Troop Camping this summer.


And the link below for the signupgenius for the Raven Patrol's activities.


Trek Descriptions: 


Scouting Day Activities Opportunities NOW UPDATED!!!


Do A Good Turn - Service Projects

Do a Good Turn Daily is the Scout Slogan.  Our goal is to provide one opportunity to do this with your troop each month.  We will look for opportunities to give back to the community that supports our troop through fundraisers, donations, and our chartered organization.  Attendance is highly recommended for all scouts, not just those needing service hours. 


Scout Advancement (Rank and Merit Badges)

If scouts need to 

Send an email to Advancement Coordinator Jill Derner at advancements3327@gmail.com.

For information about the Troop Committee and open positions, go to the Troop Committee page.  

The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people 

to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes 

by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.